The houses through Neptune and Chiron in Pisces
In Part 3 of our series exploring Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, we take a look at it through the lens of the houses.
In Part 3 of our series exploring Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, we take a look at it through the lens of the houses.
What are "houses" AND how do they affect my chart? Inside we'll answer these questions, exploring "houses" from the ground up and taking a tour through each of the astrological houses.
In Part 2 of the series exploring Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, we take a look individually at the wounded healer: Chiron.
In this 4-part series we're exploring Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. In part 1 we delve into the Neptunian archetype and how it can play out in its higher and lower vibrations.
This is a guide to the very basics of reading a synastry chart. To keep this guide practical we'll explore Beyonce and Jay-Z synastry chart and try our hand at interpreting one of their aspects.
Learn what transits are, why they are useful, how to use our transit tool, and how to interpret your transits.
Use our tools to calculate the frequently overlooked declinations, parallels, and contraparallels in your birth and synastry charts
What are Sidereal charts? Our Birth Chart tool now offers a free and easy way to use a Sidereal (rather than Tropical chart), and here we delve into what exactly that is!
Symbolism of the Taurus sign
Symbolism of the Virgo sign
Symbolism of the Gemini sign
Symbolism of the Capricorn sign
Symbolism of the Scorpio sign
Symbolism of the Cancer sign
Symbolism of the Leo sign
Symbolism of the Aries sign
Symbolism of the Libra sign
Symbolism of the Sagittarius sign
Symbolism of the Pisces sign
Symbolism of the Aquarius sign