Sun / Chiron Aspects in Synastry
The interpretation for Sun/Chiron Aspects within a Synastry relationship chart
The interpretation for Sun/Chiron Aspects within a Synastry relationship chart
Learn how to customize orb degrees for aspects (ie conjunction, sextile, square...) on your charts in Astro-Charts
Exploring the symbolism of MC (Midheaven) in Libra, the Scales...
Interpretations for the chart shapes within the birth chart: Splash pattern, Bowl pattern, Bucket pattern, Locomotive pattern, Seesaw pattern, Bundle pattern, Fan Pattern and the Splay pattern.
Understanding how to interpret mutual receptions and dispositors within a natal chart
What is the meaning of a planet rising within the natal chart? A planet descending? A planet on the Midheaven? Or a planet on the Nadir?
What is the meaning of a planet in its own sign? What is the meaning of a planet in its own house?
Exploring the interpretations for planets (Mercury through Pluto) in Retrograde.
Symbolism of the Capricorn sign
Symbolism of the Aquarius sign
Symbolism of the Virgo sign
Symbolism of the Aries sign
Symbolism of the Taurus sign
Symbolism of the Pisces sign
Symbolism of the Cancer sign
Symbolism of the Scorpio sign
Symbolism of the Gemini sign
Symbolism of the Libra sign
Symbolism of the Sagittarius sign
Symbolism of the Leo sign