North Node / North Node Aspects in Synastry
The meaning of North Node with North Node aspects in a Synastry chart
The meaning of North Node with North Node aspects in a Synastry chart
The meaning of modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable) within your birth chart, including excessive and deficient modes within the natal chart.
The meaning of elements (fire, air, earth, and water) within your birth chart, including excessive and deficient elements within the natal chart.
When a person's natal Saturn is in Capricorn, and Saturn returns back to that area of the sky, the core themes of Capricorn are unduly emphasized.
The Saturn Return lights up a path for the individual to find the keys to their own personal empire: in their own sense of self-sufficiency and internal authority.
This is for the curious-minded Astrologer wanting to delve deep into the rabbit hole of Lilith's many faces in myth, folklore, and astrology. Here we explore her significance in astrology, exploring the Asteroid Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith, and Black Moon Lilith.
What are "asteroids" in astrology AND how do they impact astrological interpretation? Inside we'll answer these questions, exploring why asteroids matter and the big 4 asteroids all buddying astrologers should know about.
In the final piece of our series exploring Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, we take a look at the aspects that teach us through friction.
Symbolism of the Taurus sign
Symbolism of the Sagittarius sign
Symbolism of the Scorpio sign
Symbolism of the Leo sign
Symbolism of the Aquarius sign
Symbolism of the Gemini sign
Symbolism of the Aries sign
Symbolism of the Cancer sign
Symbolism of the Capricorn sign
Symbolism of the Libra sign
Symbolism of the Pisces sign
Symbolism of the Virgo sign