Dick Clark
Mount Vernon, New York, United States
November 30, 1929 at 4:50 AM (Birthtime accuracy: excellent)
Aspect Legend
Minor aspects
Mount Vernon, New York, United States
November 30, 1929 at 4:50 AM (Birthtime accuracy: excellent)
Minor aspects
Richard Augustus Wagstaff "Dick" Clark, Jr. (November 30, 1929 – April 18, 2012) was an American radio and television personality, as well as a cultural icon who remains best known for hosting American Bandstand from 1957 to 1987. He also hosted the game show Pyramid and Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve, which transmitted Times Square's New Year's Eve celebrations. Clark was also well known for his trademark sign-off, "For now, Dick Clark — so long!", accompanied with a military salute.As host of American Bandstand, Clark introduced rock & roll to many Americans. The show gave many new music artists their first exposure to national audiences, including Ike and Tina Turner, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, Stevie Wonder, Talking Heads and Simon & Garfunkel. Episodes he hosted were among the first where blacks and whites performed on the same stage and among the first where the live studio audience sat without racial segregation. Singer Paul Anka claimed that Bandstand was responsible for creating a "youth culture." Due to his perennial youthful appearance, Clark was often referred to as "America's oldest teenager".In his capacity as a businessman, Clark served as Chief Executive Officer of Dick Clark Productions, part of which he sold off in his later years. He also founded the American Bandstand Diner, a restaurant chain modeled after the Hard Rock Cafe. In 1973, he created and produced the annual American Music Awards show, similar to the Grammy Awards.Clark suffered a stroke in December 2004. With speech ability still impaired, Clark returned to his New Year's Rockin' Eve show a year later on December 31, 2005. Subsequently, he appeared at the 58th Primetime Emmy Awards in 2006, and every New Year's Rockin' Eve show through the 2011–12 show. Clark died on April 18, 2012 of a heart attack at the age of 82 following a medical procedure.
You can think of the planets as symbolizing core parts of the human personality, and the signs as different colors of consciousness through which they filter.* Sidereal Planetary Positions enabled in settings.* Because the birth time information is missing for this chart, the Moon may range up to 6° before or after this position.
The aspects describe the geometric angles between the planets. Each shape they produce has a different meaning.
Create your free, personalized, and highly customizable birth chart (natal chart) by filling in the form below. Using our tools you can hide/show planets and asteroids, choose a house system, customize orbs, show declinations, sidereal charts and more...
Chart patterns are a collection of aspects that are grouped together to reveal a larger geometric pattern within the chart.
The section describes some additional features of this chart. Note the inner planets refer to Sun to Jupiter, as well as the Ascendant and MC, and represent the core parts of the personality.
Chart houses split the chart into twelve realms, beginning from the Ascendant, which add another dimension of themes corresponding to the signs starting from Aries. Read more
Declinations are a rarely used piece of information in astrology. They reflect a planet's distance north or south of the celestial equator. Read more
Parallels occur when two planets are at the same declination, both in the north or south. They are considered to have the same effect as conjunctions. Contraparallels are when one star in the north and another in the south are at the same declination. They are considered to have the same effect as oppositions.
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Daylight Savings Time:
Our system detects whether DST was applied using the Olson timezone database. However, DST was not applied consistently before the 70s. Manually set DST if you believe it is not applied correctly.
Specify the coordinates of the birth location in decimal degrees. Note that negative latitudes represent the southern hemisphere, and negative longitudes represent the western hemisphere.
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