Enrique Peña Nieto

Atlacomulco, México, Mexico

July 20, 1966

Aspect Legend






Minor aspects

Created with Raphaël 2.2.0


("Enrique Peña" redirects here. For the Cuban musician, see Enrique Peña Sánchez. For the Catalan architect, see Enrique Nieto (architect).)(This name uses Spanish naming customs: the first or paternal family name is Peña and the second or maternal family name is Nieto.) Enrique Peña Nieto, GCB, GCIH, RE (Spanish pronunciation: [enˈrike ˈpeɲa ˈnjeto] ; born 20 July 1966) is a Mexican politician who serves as the 62nd and current President of Mexico. Educated as a lawyer, Peña Nieto had served as Secretary of Administration for the State of Mexico from 2000-2002, as Representative of the 13th District of the State of Mexico from 2003-2004, and as Governor of the state from 2005-2011 prior to becoming President. He was elected President on July 1, 2012, winning 39% of the vote and returning the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to power after a twelve-year hiatus. The PRI had governed Mexico uninterrupted for 71 years until it was defeated by the National Action Party (PAN) in 2000. Peña Nieto took office on December 1, 2012, succeeding Felipe Calderón. Protests against the election of Peña Nieto drew tens of thousands of people across Mexico, particularly from the #YoSoy132 student movement, who protested alleged voting irregularities and media bias. Peña Nieto began his term as President with an approval rating of approximately 50%, but the falling value of the Mexican Peso and sluggish economic growth had caused this figure to drop to 35% by 2015. Prone to gaffes, Nieto has also faced several major controversies as President, including the escape of famed drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman from Altiplano prison in 2015, and accusations that he had plagiarized his law school thesis. He has also faced criticism for his handling of the abduction and murder of 43 teachers' college students in the State of Guerrero in 2014. According to the Newspaper Reforma, Peña Nieto's approval ratings had dropped to 23% by August 2016 - the lowest for any president since Ernesto Zedillo in 1995 (who was also from the PRI).

Updated: 2023-10-11
Enrique Peña Nieto image credit
Enrique Pea Nieto by https://www.flickr.com/photos/presidenciamx/, is licensed under cc-by-2.0, resized from the original.


You can think of the planets as symbolizing core parts of the human personality, and the signs as different colors of consciousness through which they filter.* Sidereal Planetary Positions enabled in settings.* Because the birth time information is missing for this chart, the Moon may range up to 6° before or after this position.

Sun in 27° 4' Cancer
Moon in 25° 46' Leo
Mercury in 10° 15' Leo (r)
Venus in 28° 14' Gemini
Mars in 6° 8' Cancer
Jupiter in 16° 23' Cancer
Saturn in 29° 37' Pisces (r)
Uranus in 16° 52' Virgo
Neptune in 19° 26' Scorpio (r)
Pluto in 16° 31' Virgo
North Node in 22° 2' Taurus (r)
Chiron in 26° 2' Pisces (r)


The aspects describe the geometric angles between the planets. Each shape they produce has a different meaning.

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Minor Aspects
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illustration of two women shoulder-to-shoulder relaxing underneath a warm sun


Chart patterns are a collection of aspects that are grouped together to reveal a larger geometric pattern within the chart.

Created with Raphaël 2.2.0

Grand Trine

Sun in 27° Cancer
Chiron in 26° Pisces
Neptune in 19° Scorpio

Created with Raphaël 2.2.0


Neptune in 19° Scorpio
Moon in 25° Leo
North Node in 22° Taurus

Special Features

The section describes some additional features of this chart. Note the inner planets refer to Sun to Jupiter, as well as the Ascendant and MC, and represent the core parts of the personality.

The moon was a waxing crescent moon

The chart is a Bucket shape

The inner planets do not fall in a Earth sign

Sun in Cancer and Moon in Leo are in mutual reception


Declinations are a rarely used piece of information in astrology. They reflect a planet's distance north or south of the celestial equator. Read more

Parallels occur when two planets are at the same declination, both in the north or south. They are considered to have the same effect as conjunctions. Contraparallels are when one star in the north and another in the south are at the same declination. They are considered to have the same effect as oppositions.

The Birth Chart Print

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